Our Partners
OCAD University
OCAD University is Canada’s largest and oldest university for art and design. Students in 18 undergraduate programs and seven graduate programs learn how to use their creativity to address today’s challenges. Our students benefit from hands-on studio learning in small class sizes and have access to state-of-the-art shops and studios for both traditional and digital creation. Alongside a diverse and supportive team of instructors and peers, our students gain employable skills that will help them get paid doing what they love while driving Canada’s creative economy. Our graduates work in different sectors such as urban planning, environmental design, gaming, film, animation, publishing, illustration, graphic design and arts administration.
Toronto Collaboration Platform
Toronto Collaboration Platform (TOCP) is a partnership between the City of Toronto, CivicLabTO, eCampusOntario and eight of Toronto’s higher education institutions (HEIs).
When COVID-19 struck, the City of Toronto, eCampusOntario, and the eight HEIs in the city began working together to collaborate on research and development projects to support Toronto’s communities, economy, and post-COVID-19. This included mobilizing faculty and students at GTA HEIs to support businesses and organizations. These eight institutions worked with the City of Toronto to select priority research projects that were subsequently co-funded by Mitacs and NSERC. As a result, eight projects from a cross section of industries and disciplines went live in November 2020. These projects have not only supported COVID-19 recovery efforts throughout the city, but they have also provided students with jobs, experiential learning opportunities and micro-credentials as part of their participation. 
TOCP is back for a second round of projects, this time with a focus beyond the scope of COVID-19. Given its success, TOCP will be the model for a province-wide innovation platform which will facilitate collaboration between HEIs, municipalities and businesses across the province.